
2020年5月21日—PokemonGosendspushnotificationstolettheirgamersknowwhensomethingishappeningintheirarea...PokemonGoletsgamersknowwhen ...,2016年8月3日—3WaysPokémonGoCanMakePlayersHappywithPushNotifications·1.Promotenearbylureswithtimelyalerts·2.Savebatterypowerwith ...,2023年3月16日—But,onanothergamethatIplay(pokemongo)Ireceivezeropushnotificationsalltogether.I'veplayedwithadaptivebattery,cleared...

Pokemon Go sends push notifications to let their gamers ...

2020年5月21日 — Pokemon Go sends push notifications to let their gamers know when something is happening in their area ... Pokemon Go lets gamers know when ...

3 Ways Pokémon Go Can Make Players Happy with Push ...

2016年8月3日 — 3 Ways Pokémon Go Can Make Players Happy with Push Notifications · 1. Promote nearby lures with timely alerts · 2. Save battery power with ...

Push notifications not working on some apps

2023年3月16日 — But, on another game that I play (pokemon go) I receive zero push notifications all together. I've played with adaptive battery, cleared ...

Push notifications coming back for Android?

2023年11月7日 — I dont think I've seen a pokemon go notification in much longer than a year. I don't even know the last pogo notification I got on my android.

How To Stop Pokemon GO Push Notifications

2019年11月19日 — Pokemon GO notifications won't go away? Try this: If you've un-checked the circles and continue to get notifications for any one of these items, ...


GET INSTANT PUSH NOTIFICATIONS WHEN A POKEMON IS NEARBY! This app will navigate you to your favourite Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Discover all Pokémon around you!

No notifications at all

2023年4月26日 — I downloaded the app on my new Android phone (Nothing Phone (1)) a few weeks ago. So far I have received 0 push notifications from the app. I ...

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FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
